If teaching
is the act of sharing, then I’ve
been doing it for a while
without having actually stepped
into a classroom. Over the
years, I’ve had many good
assistants, and still do. They
do what they have to do and they
do it well (thereby allowing me
to concentrate on things that
need my attention) but being
from a different generation,
their sensibilities tend to rub
off on me and vice-versa. For
example, when I first made the
switch from the comfortable
world of analog into the
unfamiliar digital world, it was
my assistants who provided many
of the answers. What I give back
is my many years of experience
as a professional and whatever
knowledge I’ve picked up while
using film.
I’ve always believed that
knowledge is not something that
I have a copyright on. If my
teachers, Mr. Behlihomji, Mr.
Mitter Bedi and Mr. Hiroyuki
Yamamoto hadn’t shared what they
knew with me, I wouldn’t be
where I am today, so I look at
this process as paying it
forward. There is also the added
benefit of knowing that I’ve
been of some use in improving
the quality of photographic
life, so to speak.
This is why I took the offer
from Raffles Design
International when they
approached me to look after one
of their modules in Visual
Communication on weekends. I set
the syllabus and the exam paper
and concentrated on training the
visual skills of my students.