In the last
decade or so, there’s been an
explosion on the Indian art
front. The aftershock is
palpable, as can be seen by the
funds allocated for art
acquisition by corporations,
collectors and museums.
Paintings and
other works by major Indian
artists are being sold at mega
prices, through auction houses
and artists’ representatives.
The going’s good even for the
talented emerging artist.
hyper-activity in the art world
is reflected on TV, in print,
and has a very definite presence
in cyber-space.
We’re at a
point where investing in a
painting makes sound financial
sense. Art as a collectible has
been drilled into our
consciousness through the ages.
It’s now reached a stage where,
if one could somehow scrape off
ancient cave-paintings and
display them on the living room
wall, it would constitute a
collector’s dream coup.