5- You have shot many photographs in India. What do you think is special about what India has to offer?

India is very special. Which other country in the world is as diverse as ours? Which other country has as many dialects and languages? As many varied customs and cuisines? Even geographically, we have everything from the mountains to the sea. And color… I sometimes think that we invented it! Visit Gujarat and Rajasthan and you’ll see what I mean. I’ve been fortunate enough to have travelled across India by all possible modes of transport, including bullock carts. What I love the most is road trips because I can stop anywhere and shoot anything. The potential of India is limitless.

6- You describe your work mantra as “We do not see things as they are; we see them as we are.” Can you explain what this means?

It’s actually not as complex as it sounds. If you are able to put more of yourself, your experiences, and who you are into what you do, then the work will have something very special… your very own, personal, unique signature.

 Articles :
 - A look at fine art photography
 - Where is Team India?
 - Thoughts on visualization
 - Epson Fotoflock interview 3/12/08
 - Interview for www.visageimages.com
 - External Links
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